Resolute Forest Products
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Resolute is a Canadian-based company with a long history in the boreal forest., We care deeply about preserving the natural resources in our care and being a responsible partner in the communities where we live and work.

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Mayor Dave Canfield of Kenora, also President of the Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association, discusses the cooperative relationship between boreal communitites and the forest products industry over the years.

More than 200,000 Canadians are directly employed in the forest products industry, and more than 600,000 Canadians rely on the industry for their livelihoods. Mayor Canfield’s region has depended on forestry for its livelihood for over 150 years, and as stewards of the forest, the community has partnered with the industry to ensure the forests are sustainably managed.

The forest products industry and Resolute Forest Products have invested heavily in sustainable forest management to ensure the environmental, social, and economic sustainability of boreal communities like Kenora.

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When the US housing market stalled in 2008, the town of Atikokan, Ontario was hit hard. The town depends on the forest products industry as a major employer. Five years later, Mayor Dennis Brown of Atikokan discusses a new hope for his small town.

The forest products industry and Resolute Forest Products have invested heavily in sustainable forest management to ensure the environmental, social, and economic sustainability of boreal communities like Atikokan.

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Chief Georjann Morriseau is the elected Chief of Fort Williams First Nation near Thunder Bay, Ontario, located in the heart of the boreal region. Over 800 First Nations communities are scattered throughout Canada’s boreal region, and an estimated 17,000 First Nations people in Canada make their living in the forest products industry.
Chief Morriseau discusses our shared interest in ensuring that the forests we rely on continue to provide for the environmental, social, cultural and economic needs of future generations. Resolute Forest Products recognizes and respects the cultural and social significance of the land, water and forests of Canada to its First Nations peoples. We also recognize these resources are critical to their prosperity and economic sustainability.


Resolute Forest Products CBFAvideo

0 43832
As a Canadian-based company with a long heritage in the boreal forest, we embrace our responsibility to preserve and renew the natural resources in...